In modern days, life and integration into society has become next to impossible without technology. What comes with technology is that some of your data and other sensitive information are inserted into a cloud or server which can be accessed by someone who is not the owner of that data. To be able to protect your information and your sensitive data, you need to take certain measures. Those measures are now being grouped and called as practices of cybersecurity. In short, cybersecurity is explained as the practice of protecting all online and digital networks, systems and programs from digital attacks, the main objective of which is to gain access to data and information and go along with it as they please, delete, change or use the information for ill purposes, such as extortion or interfering with a business or institution. To gain full defense against these attacks and have a successful cybersecurity approach, you need to have multiple layers of protection that are spread widely through the whole system. All networks, programs, computers and other devices and data that could be accessed need to be fully covered.
In modern days, life and integration into society has become next to impossible without technology. What comes with technology is that some of your data and other sensitive information are inserted into a cloud or server which can be accessed by someone who is not the owner of that data.
WHY ARE CYBERATTACKS SO HARMFUL? The reasons why these attacks can potentially be extremely dangerous are many, but one example can be that in 2020, one event of a data breach has cost over 3 million US dollars of damages worldwide. The costs which are spent because of these breaches include detecting and fighting the breach, and if the security system lacks in-house expertise, these costs could be in higher margins. Organizations, companies and institutions which have a very complex cybersecurity strategy will have a structure which includes analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence, layers of protective code and they can avoid cyberthreats becoming serious. As there are many different systems, some larger and some smaller, some individual and some belonging to huge corporations and organizations, cybersecurity can have different methods and types of functioning. APPLICATION SECURITY This is the type of security focused on protection of information inside applications, whether mobile apps or others. A lot of applications can store their clients data such as log-in data or banking information, so security measures need to be implemented into the application before even being released out in the market.