5 Aug

What is API?

by Trudo

If you are a software developer and have been for a while you probably hear about APIs on the regular. But to others, API can sound like some random abbreviation.

In reality, API stands for Application Programming Interface, it is a set of definitions and protocols that is used in application software development, and is involved in building and integrating different parts of the software. To explain it very simply, it’s a tool used to connect programs, servers or platforms, make requests and communicate data between them. If you were a customer at a restaurant, the API would be the waiter between your order and the kitchen, getting requests and transmitting the requests and the food between you and the kitchen chef.

About three decades ago, APIs were developed initially to transmit information and data between local programs and environments. Within those past three decades, APIs have exponentially developed and were able to leave the local isolated environments and be turned into tools used worldwide to communicate between huge servers and programs, and essentially become one of the key elements of the online world.

About three decades ago, APIs were developed initially to transmit information and data between local programs and environments. Within those past three decades, APIs have exponentially developed and were able to leave the local isolated environments and be turned into tools used worldwide to communicate between huge servers and programs, and essentially become one of the key elements of the online world.

Modern APIs

APIs have changed drastically, they’ve become more standardized and the modern API has a lot to offer. Considering APIs are included in the group of software which has turned into a product, the modern API has its own software development lifecycle (SDLC) of designing, testing, building, managing, and versioning.

Integration of already-existing features We can start off with the opinion that modern APIs sometimes are considered more as a product by developers rather than a specific piece of code because of how APIs simplify the way developers integrate new application components into an existing architecture.

If a developer wants to integrate the weather to an app that they’re designing, they don’t need to create code or put up equipment that measures the temperature in each city, worldwide, but they can access the servers of other weather apps like The Weather Channel, Accuweather and so on. Same goes with all types of features that are harder to develop and if not provided through APIs, they would be impossible or extremely costly to incorporate.

Additional security layer

Since APIs are highly standardized, most of the time they are the one layer of protection between our data and the server’s access to it.

The APIs do not allow for the server to have all the data to your phone, or for you to be able to access all the data of the server, it will only provide with only the essential information required from both parties. In majority of the cases when you get a notification requesting permission for sharing your location or any other type of permission from the app, it’s actually the API, not the application that you are entering.

API policies

When it comes to the amount of data you can access from a server through the API, they have different release policies. You can have private, partner or public APIs.

- Private APIs are initially the type of APIs that only allow information to be transferred through specific servers. They are only used internally within companies and they give companies almost full control within the API.

- Partner APIs can be shared with different partners of the company, it will still give the company a larger percentage of the control but it will have added features and information without compromising quality.

- Public APIs, just as the name leads on, are APIs that can be used widely by everyone. It allows outside parties to interact with the API you provide and develop apps and software based on it.

In conclusion, APIs are a significant part of the World Wide Web, and other smaller parts and systems of companies around the world. They create a bridge between large amounts of information and servers, create a layer of protection and ease work and communication in the world of developers.