Customer interaction might be one of the most important “tools” that needs constant improvement and development in the business world. Customers expect you and your brand to change according to their needs, how you speak to them, how you understand their doubts and how you come up with new and innovative ideas that will deliver them a solution to their problems. Engagement with customers used to be really slow and demanding when it came to resources that the business had to spend on it for it to be properly utilized as a tool and to be properly implemented as a part of your business improvement plan. Artificial intelligence with focus on deep learning and NLP (natural language processing) have developed this area exponentially in a very short amount of time, and customer engagement has been turned into a key component in the modern business market. So, as a business owner or someone who produces a product you will have questions like what products are customers more likely to buy? Or if you already have a specific product, you will need to know the profile of what your potential best buyers are. There are other factors that highly affect sales for example how online traffic will affect in store sales and vice versa, and how could you as a producer or business who offers services know how to minimize the gap between demand and supply and manage to optimize your inventory. Conversational AI enters the discussion: chatbots, voice assistants, other NLP software and everything that resembles human interaction, but isn’t exactly that. Conversational AI has deep learning capabilities which will improve interaction between humans and machines, and have helped in understanding your customer better.
According to a Harvard business review, 73% of consumers use more than one channel during their shopping journey, while another 71% of consumers want a consistent experience across all channels, but rarely get it, according to Gladly.
How do you understand your customer better through conversational AI? Understanding and remembering your customer’s preferences will initially be a game changer for your business. Conforming to a buyer-centric way of sales can be easier to implement with AI, as once a customer explains something to AI, it will remember it. The customer world is now more impatient than ever before. Response time in support, sales or even just marketing needs to be less than 10 minutes for the majority of customers to be satisfied with the service, and customers also do not enjoy repeating information they’ve already given out before. Incorporating AI together with an existing chatbot will help speed up response rate, remember the past information the customer gave, consequently improving your customer support and benefiting the customer support team.