Intern experiences and job opportunities are embedded at Trudo, allowing our discoveries to affect students and curious individuals who want to work with technology, software and data. From prototyping implementations to complex and sophisticated software development projects, our team members and interns work on real-world problems including artificial intelligence, natural language processing, data mining, hardware and software development, data analysis and so much more. Trudo offers a variety of opportunities for students who wish to gain industry experience. At Trudo, internships test out all the skills accumulated in university or college and see how they adapt or work in the real world. Today we’re featuring Elsa Hyseni, a computer science & engineering student who experienced her internship at Trudo during quarantine. Elsa Hyseni is an 18 year old Computer Science & Engineering student and an aspiring developer. Her internship experience at Trudo helped her in creating a comprehensive idea of how interesting, challenging and fast-paced the work environment at Trudo is.
These months at Trudo have taught me how important a healthy relationship between coworkers is. And for people my age, I believe that is a really important factor, given that we are very new to this aspect of life.
COMMUNICATION IS KEY While Elsa had to work from home in Prishtina, she reported to managers at Trudo. Even though nobody was physically in the office, Elsa said she gained some valuable lessons that she’ll take with her regardless of where she’s working in the future: Communication is key, and self-advancement and initiative is twice as important when working virtually. Working with employees and people she had never met before, she’s learned that sometimes a three-minute video chat can be more useful than going back and forth via email. Also, keeping scheduled meetings on the calendar helps with consistent communication. “Trudo employees taught me how to keep it flexible, they are super nice and responsive,” Elsa says. When further asked about her internship experience while in quarantine, she said: “These months at Trudo have taught me how important a healthy relationship between coworkers is. And for people my age, I believe that is a really important factor, given that we are very new to this aspect of life.”