Ruby vs Python: Difference Between the Programming Languages

Both languages quickly became the most popular languages used in coding after they were developed in the mid 90’s.

Jun 9, 2021

Continuous Learning Opportunities at Trudo: Elsa Hyseni’s Internship Experience

These months at Trudo have taught me how important a healthy relationship between coworkers is. And for people my age, I believe that is a really important factor, given that we are very new to this aspect of life.

May 9, 2021

Aggregating Global Data from the Coronavirus Pandemic

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has made information and access to global data sources important to inform the public, governments and the private sector. Data and access available could potentially help organizations and other stakeholders address and manage the crisis better. In this blog, we discuss data access, data processing and simple data architectures to enable insights that you can unlock and use yourself.

Jul 1, 2021

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