Customer engagement boost through AI and ML

According to a Harvard business review, 73% of consumers use more than one channel during their shopping journey, while another 71% of consumers want a consistent experience across all channels, but rarely get it, according to Gladly.

3 NOV 2021

What is Cybersecurity?

In modern days, life and integration into society has become next to impossible without technology. What comes with technology is that some of your data and other sensitive information are inserted into a cloud or server which can be accessed by someone who is not the owner of that data.

28 OCT 2021

Javascript: an introduction to the most commonly used programming language

JavaScript’s programs are called scripts, hence the name. These scripts are usually written on a webpage’s HTML as plain text, and they will run as soon as the page loads, since the scripts do not need extra preparation to run.

15 OCT 2021

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